Merchant Bankers & Strategists since 1997s
London Chamber of Commerce & Industry (www.londonchamber.co.uk)
Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce (www.cambridgeshirechamber.co.uk)
British Association of Trade & Commerce in Mongolia (www.britcham.mn)
European Chamber of Commerce in Mongolia (www.eurochamber.mn)
MONGOLJIN is an active contributor to the local business communities in which the firm operates. For example, the firm regularly delivers pro bono workshops to the members of local business chambers, as detailed below, to facilitate the growth and development of SMEs (small & medium enterprises). Furthermore, the firm has tirelessly advocated for improved financial transparency and more sound financial management among foreign BMOs (business membership organizations) operating in Mongolia, a country that has systemic issues with transparency. Indeed, MONGOLJIN continually advocates for foreign BMOs in Mongolia to follow global best practices, by posting their financial statements online (donorbox.org & charitynavigator.org) and fully disclosing the salaries of their leadership teams. Moreover, as a firm deeply engaged with management consulting, MONGOLJIN is a staunch advocate of Management by Measurement (KPIs, OKRs, etc.) by foreign BMOs - in order to drive greater value for foreign BMO members and set a positive example of global best practices for Mongolian BMOs.
1. Strategic Entrepreneurship (BritCham, Mongolia, 2023.02)
2. Financial Planning & Analysis (EuroChamber, Mongolia, 2023.03)
3. Organizational Dynamics (German DMUV, Mongolia, 2023.04)
4. Operations Management (AmCham, Mongolia, 2023.07)
5. Strategic Planning (AmCham Staff, Mongolia, 2023.09)
6. Strategic Management (AustCham, Mongolia, 2023.11)
7. Strategic Entrepreneurship (London Chamber of Commerce, UK, 2023.11)
8. Strategic Thinking for Enterprises (Tower Club, USA, 2024.01)
9. Megaproject Management (BritCham, Mongolia, 2024.02)
10. Strategic Management (American University of Mongolia, 2024.03)
11. Financial Planning & Analysis (German DMUV, Mongolia, 2024.06)
12. Strategic Thinking for Entrepreneurs (Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce, UK, 2024.08)
13. Operations Management (Australian Chamber of Commerce, Mongolia, 2024.09)
14. Strategic Thinking for Entrepreneurs (London Chamber of Commerce, UK, 2024.10) [online]
15. Data-Driven Decision Making (German DMUV, Mongolia, 2024.10)
16. Financial Planning & Analysis (Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce, UK, c. 2024.11)
17. Strategic Planning (Christina Noble Children's Foundation, Mongolia, c.2024.11)
18. Operations Management (Christina Noble Children's Foundation, Mongolia, c.2024.11)